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This essay has focused primarily on evangelical scholars, since scholars have written so extensively on inerrancy and related themes. Yet it’s primarily pastors who stand before God’s people week by week and either reinforce belief in the trustworthiness of the Bible or sow doubts in the hearts of their hearers. Among evangelical pastors and other ministry leaders, perhaps the greater threat than denying inerrancy is affirming the doctrine on paper while also embracing positions that are, arguably, incompatible with Scripture’s full trustworthiness. Just as a professing Christian can be a functional atheist when she lives as if there’s no God, so a self-confessed inerrantist can be a functional errantist when he embraces views whose claims are incompatible with biblical truthfulness. Inerrancy must be more than a shibboleth to affirm or a confessional box to check. Too much is at stake.
请编辑提出修改建议和最终译版 这篇文章主要集中在福音派学者身上,因为学者们在无误论和相关主题上的著作非常多。然而,主要是牧师们周而复始地站在神的子民面前,要么加强对《圣经》可信性的信仰,要么在听众的心中埋下怀疑的种子。在福音派牧师和其他事工领袖中,也许比否认无误论更大的威胁是在肯定纸上教义的同时,也接受了一些可以说是与圣经的完全可信性不相容的立场。正如一个自称基督徒的人,当她活得好像没有上帝时,她可能是一个功能性的无神论者,同样,一个自称无误论者的人,当他接受的观点其主张与圣经真理性不相容时,他可能是一个功能性的错误论者。无误论必须不仅仅是一个可以肯定的符号或一个可以勾选的忏悔框。这关系到太多的问题。
The confessional Reformed theologians in the modern period (for example, the Princeton theologians) followed the outlines of the covenant theology of the Reformation and post-Reformation periods. Nevertheless, there has been considerable confusion about covenant theology since the nineteenth century. Some of this has been due to the influence of the Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886–1968). He rejected much of classic Reformed covenant theology as legalistic, “scholastic,” and unbiblical. Judged by historical standards, much of the rest of covenant theology in the twentieth century must be judged to be idiosyncratic as well. By the middle of the twentieth century, several influential Reformed theologians in the Netherlands and in North America had rejected the covenants of redemption and works. Others argued that there is no narrow/broader distinction in the covenant of grace. Other revisions or rejections of orthodox covenant theology include the so-called Federal Vision movement that not only rejects the covenant of redemption; it rejects the distinction between law and gospel and the distinction between the covenants of works and grace. According to them, every baptized person is elect and united to Christ through baptism, but this election and union can be forfeited through faithlessness.
In sum, throughout the history of the church there has always been a theology of the covenants. The Reformation recovery of the Gospel and the biblical distinction between grace and works made it possible for Reformed theology to construct a detailed and fruitful covenant theology.
The experiments of the modern period, in doing away with the covenants of redemption and works, have tended to turn the covenant of grace into a legal covenant. Conflating the covenants of works and grace confuses law and gospel, which is the very foundational distinction of the Reformation and the Gospel. Instead of making Reformed theology more gracious and Christ-centered, as promised, the revisions actually lead to more self-centered theology.
请翻译以下英文音频译为中文文字:Dr. W. Robert Godfrey – The Inventions of Rome Part 2
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