
最后,律法的宣讲应该以何种方式和次序来配合福音的宣讲。要想解决这个问题,我们必须首先知道:1. 律法是什么;2.福音是什么。





——赫尔曼·韦修斯(Herman Witsius, 1636-1708),Conciliatory or Irenical Animadversions on the Controversies Agitated in Britain: under the unhappy names of antinomians and neonomians(1696), trans. Thomas Bell (Glasgow: W. Lang, 1807), chapter XVII.

Finally, it is required, in what manner and order the preaching of the law should accompany that of the gospel. To the determination of which question, we must first know, 1) what is understood by the law, and 2) what by the gospel.

1) The law here signifies that part of the Divine word which consists in precepts and prohibitions, with the promise of conferring a reward upon them who obey, and a threatening of punishment to the disobedient.  …Every prescription of duty belongs to the law, as the venerable Voetius, after others, hath inculcated to excellent purpose.

2) The gospel signifies the doctrine of grace, and of the fullest salvation in Christ Jesus, to be received of elect sinners by faith. …If we take the word gospel in a strict sense, as it is the form of the testament of grace, which consists of mere promises, or the absolute exhibition of salvation in Christ, then it properly prescribes nothing as duty, it requires nothing, it commands nothing, no not so much as to believe, trust, hope in the Lord, and the like. But it relates, declares, and signifies to us, what God in Christ promises, what he willeth, and is about to do.

Therefore every prescription of virtues and duties, all exhortations and dissuasions, all reproofs and threatenings also all the promises of a reward in recompense of perfect obedience, belong to the law. But to the gospel appertains whatever can give a sinner the hope of salvation, namely, the doctrine concerning the person, offices, states, and benefits of Jesus Christ, and all the promises wherein is included the pardon of sins, and the annexed possession of grace and glory, to be obtained by faith in him. This is the strictest notion of both words, to which we must attend, in the whole of this disputation.

… I do not conceal, however, that in my judgment, the beginning of the new life is not from the preaching of the law, but of the gospel.

—— Herman Witsius (1636-1708), Conciliatory or Irenical Animadversions on the Controversies Agitated in Britain: under the unhappy names of antinomians and neonomians(1696), trans. Thomas Bell (Glasgow: W. Lang, 1807), chapter XVII.


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