这是教会的具体责任的总结:首先,她敬拜,呼求并服侍三一上帝…她按照上帝话语的规则来行一切事:她按照上帝的道判断… 她热情的帮助、关爱在地上圣徒的会众… 她殷勤的聆听上帝话语的宣讲,她虔诚的领受圣礼,并以极大的喜乐领受那属天的事。她通过唯一中保基督,以刚强的信心、热情、持续、专注的向上帝祈祷。她为上帝的良善和威严不住的赞美… 她极其尊重基督设立的一切职分… 但最重要的,她承认一切关于她生命、拯救、义和祝福的事,都是从上帝的独生子、我们的主耶稣基督而领受的… 除他之外别无救恩。因此,她藉着主耶稣基督唯独安息在上帝里;她单单渴慕他;为他的缘故,她乐意舍弃一切属世之物,甚至抛洒她自己的鲜血与生命… 她坚决与撒旦为敌… 她不停努力与异端和错谬争战。她殷勤的持守基督信仰的单纯以及使徒教训的真实。她尽力不沾染世俗和肉体,避免一切属世和属灵的污秽。因此,她尽力分辨、远避一切非法的教会和世俗的宗教… 她历经苦难,却不被胜过。她谨慎的持守合一和团结。她温柔的爱每一个会众。她向所有人行善…不伤害他人。她甘心乐意赦免人。她体恤忍耐软弱的人如弟兄。她不膨胀自傲,反而以谦卑的心顺服一切敬虔的事。我想问,有谁能把这一切教会的责任都一一列出呢?… 有谁不愿意成为如此神圣、属天的教会呢?—— 海因里希·布林格(Henrich Bullinger),《论圣而公之教会》
“And to reckon up the sum of its[the Church’s] duties in particular: first, it worships, calls upon and serves on God in Trinity,…it orders all its doings according to the rule of God’s Word: it judges by the Word of God…it fervently assists and loves the assemblies and congregations of saints upon earth…it listens diligently to the preaching of the Word of God, it partakes devoutly of the scraments and with great joy and delight of heavenly things. It prays to God by the intercession of our only mediator Christ with a strong faith, fervently, continually and most attentively. It praises the goodness and majesty of God for ever… it highly esteems all the insitutions of Christ…But above all it acknowledges that it receives all the things which belong to its life, salvation, righteousness or felicity, from the only Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ,…without whom there is no salvation. Therefore it rests alone in God by our Lord Jesus Christ; him alone it desires and loves; and for his sake it rejoices to lose all the things that belong to this world, and indeed to pour out its blood and its life…With Satan it has an unappeasable enmity…Against heresies and errors it strives both constantly and wisely. The simplicity of the Christian faith and sincerity of the doctrine of the apostles it keeps most diligently. As far as possible it keeps itself upspotted from the world and the flesh, and from all carnal and spiritual infection. And therefore it flees from and in every way detests all unlawful congregations and profane religions…It is exercised with afflictions, but never overcome. It keeps unity and concord carefully. It loves all its members most tenderly. It does good to all men,…It hurts no man. It forgives willingly. It bears with the weak as a brother until they are advanced to perfection. it is not puffed up with pride, but by humility is kept in obedience and moderation and all the duties of godliness. But I ask who can recite all the specific duties of the Church… and who would not desire to be a member of so divine and heavenly a congregation?” — Henry Bullinger, On the Holy Catholic Church.